Charting an Aquarium Course
Sometimes it’s just easier to look at a chart and move on. For more detail about a compatibility component visit the compatibility discussions. These charts are for freshwater and saltwater fish providing a summary of the compatibility information and more.
Each chart can be enlarged and zoomed into to see a specific fish or compatibility value.
Illumination Compatibility
The Illumination Compatibility chart looks at the number of hours of illumination that fish prefer or do best under. Generally the number of illumination hours will vary between 8 hours and 16 hours of daylight in a natural setting. This roughly corresponds to hours of daylight at the equator and spreading outward either north or south of the equator where aquarium fish are found.
A fish that is determined to be compatible is one that shares the same preference for hours of illumination. Fish can be termed incompatible if they have dissimilar preferences for illumination of the aquarium.
The chart was created using the two extremes of 8 and 16 hours of illumination. The illumination preference for each fish was established and then compared with other fish. The compatibility score is as follows:
- 3: Highly Compatible (Both fish have the same illumination preference) DARK BLUE
- 1: Slightly Compatible (Fish have different illumination preferences) LIGHT BLUE
The compatibility matrix represented in the chart looks at each species and identifies their illumination preference. The chart then presents this preference in relation to other fish species that have also been scored. The chart follows the matrix example below.
Note: There can be a considerable difference between species’ preference for illumination. THe chart represents a mid aquarium illumination measurement. Species that prefer cave dwelling will have a different illumination tolerance, but generally they will still have an illumination preference of between 8 and 16 hours albeit at a reduced lumen level.