Aquarium Reference
Top 10 maintenance considerations for freshwater aquarium
All aquariums need maintenance from time to time. Learn which maintenance items an aquarist needs to master. Aquarium enjoyment begins with understanding the “why” of maintenance.
Fish Compatibility
Selecting the “right” aquarium buddies is difficult. Determining which occupants will get along and thrive seems impossible to figure out. Not any longer. This guide is an expanded teaching guide to put some science behind making good choices. Learn how to determine which species of occupants will co-exist before any purchase. Select one of the following sections or the full document: Understanding Compatibility, Food Types, Water Chemistry, Species Behavior, Environmental, Full Document.
Fish Compatibility Charts
Browse all the charts for establishing compatibility between fresh and saltwater fish.
Complete aquarium checklist for beginners
It often seems like there is a never-ending-list of items to understand and purchase. Learn which items are essential and which are not. Many items can be deferred until a later date to purchase.
Fish Feeding Guidelines
How much and how often are two of the most common questions when feeding fish. Learn the answers to feeding your aquarium fish correctly and keeping a healthy environment for your occupants.
Aquarium filter types
Selecting a filter is important to the well being of the aquarium. Becoming better informed is the first step in making a wise selection regarding filters. This guide gives a solid overview of filter types and their purpose.
Quarantine Aquarium
Just as important as your main production tank is the quarantine tank. This guide gives a solid overview of Quarantine aquariums also known as Quarantine Tanks, QT and their purpose.
Quarantine Tank: Introducing new Fish
The quarantine Tank is an invaluable tool for the Aquarist. Learn how to use it as a tool to introduce new fish to the aquarium.
Understanding aquarium filters
It seems so simple – purchasing a filter for the aquarium. That’s what the side of the filter boxes will tell you. In reality, purchasing a filter to match your aquarium and its’ occupants is a much more complicated process. In this guide the details of how to select a filter are addressed taking some of the mystery away from the purchasing process.
Supporting the physical aquarium
Doesn’t seem complicated – just buy a base for the tank. This guide will give specific instructions on how to support a large aquarium and the building structure considerations.
Home Aquarium Ideas – Repairing a leaking tank
The aquarists greatest concern – a leaking tank. But wait… there is a solution and it’s not that hard to do. This guide walks through the process of repairing a leaking tank.
Home Aquarium Ideas – Aquarium Lighting Fundamentals
Every aquarium needs lighting, and selecting a light can be difficult. Learn the fundamentals of lighting before selecting a light.
Fish Profiles

The Angelfish Profile
A close examination of the Angelfish and its’ habitat. Questions like: how big do Angelfish get, what do angelfish eat, how long do angelfish live, and how to breed angelfish are answered. This guide is packed with details about health, habitat, breeding, history, conservation, diseases, and more.
The Betta Fish Profile
A close examination of the Betta Fish and its’ habitat. Questions like: how big does a Betta Fish get, what does a Betta Fish eat, and the lifespan of a Betta Fish, are answered. This guide is packed with details about health, habitat, breeding, history, conservation, diseases, and more.
The Giant Betta Fish
Learn about the Giant Betta fish and its’ unique living requirements. The reader will discover which fish are compatible and what decor suits this fish.
The Black Molly Fish Profile
A close examination of the black molly fish and its’ habitat. Packed with details about health, habitat, breeding, history, conservation, diseases, and more.
The Clown Fish Profile
A close examination of the Clown Fish and its’ habitat. Questions like: how big does a Clown Fish get, what does a Clown Fish eat, and the lifespan of a Clown Fish, are answered. This guide is packed with details about health, habitat, breeding, history, conservation, diseases, and more.
The Congo Tetra Fish Profile
A close examination of the Congo Tetra and its’ habitat. Questions like: how big does a Congo Tetra get, what does a Congo Tetra eat, and the lifespan of a Congo Tetra, are answered. This guide is packed with details about health, habitat, breeding, history, conservation, diseases, and more.
The Glass Catfish Profile
A close examination of the Glass Catfish and its’ habitat. Questions like: how big does a Glass Catfish get, what does a Glass Catfish eat, and the lifespan of a Glass Catfish, are answered. This guide is packed with details about health, habitat, breeding, history, conservation, diseases, and more.
The Goldfish Fish Profile
A close examination of the Goldfish and its’ habitat. Questions like: how big does a Goldfish get, what does a Goldfish eat, and the lifespan of a Goldfish, are answered. This guide is packed with details about health, habitat, breeding, history, conservation, diseases, and more.
The Guppy Fish Profile
A close examination of the Guppy and its’ habitat. Questions like: how big does a guppy get, what does a Guppy eat, and the lifespan of a guppy, are answered. This guide is packed with details about health, habitat, breeding, history, conservation, diseases, and more.
The Koi Fish Profile
A close examination of the Koiand its’ habitat. Questions like: how big does a Koi get, what does a Koi eat, and the lifespan of a Koi, are answered. This guide is packed with details about health, habitat, breeding, history, conservation, diseases, and more.
The Kuhli Loach Profile
A close examination of the Kuhli Loach and its’ habitat. Questions like: how big does a Kuhli Loach get, what does a Kuhli Loach eat, and the lifespan of a Kuhli Loach, are answered. This guide is packed with details about health, habitat, breeding, history, conservation, diseases, and more.
The Mickey Mouse Platy Profile
A close examination of the Mickey Mouse Platy and its’ habitat. Questions like: how big does a Mickey Mouse Platy get, what does a Mickey Mouse Platy eat, and the lifespan of a Mickey Mouse Platy, are answered. This guide is packed with details about health, habitat, breeding, history, conservation, diseases, and more.
The Neon Tetra Profile
A close examination of the Neon Tetra and its’ habitat. Questions like: how big does a Neon Tetra get, what does a Neon Tetra eat, and the lifespan of a Neon Tetra, are answered. This guide is packed with details about health, habitat, breeding, history, conservation, diseases, and more.
The Pleco Fish Profile
A close examination of the Pleco (plecostomus) and its’ habitat. Questions like: how big does a Pleco get, what does a Pleco eat, and the lifespan of a Pleco, are answered. This guide is packed with details about health, habitat, breeding, history, conservation, diseases, and more.
The Puffer Fish Profile
A close examination of the Puffer fish and its’ habitat. Questions like: how big does a Puffer get, what does a Puffer eat, and the lifespan of a Puffer fish, are answered. This guide is packed with details about health, habitat, breeding, history, conservation, diseases, and more.
The Rainbow Shark Fish Profile
A close examination of the Rainbow Shark and its’ habitat. Questions like: how big does a rainbow shark get, what does a rainbow shark eat, and the lifespan of a rainbow shark, are answered. This guide is packed with details about health, habitat, breeding, history, conservation, diseases, and more.
The Zebra Danio Fish Profile
A close examination of the Zebra Danio (zebrafish) and its’ habitat. Questions like: how big does a zebra danio get, what does a zebra danio eat, and the lifespan of a zebra danio, are answered. This guide is packed with details about health, habitat, breeding, history, conservation, diseases, and more.
The Assassin Snail Profile
A close visit with the Assassin Snail and its’ habitat. Packed with details about health, habitat, breeding, history, conservation, diseases, and more.
Questions & Answers
How to clean a fish tank or aquarium
Cleaning an aquarium is a central part of life with fish. Readers will learn why cleaning is important and they will understand the relationship between water chemistry and dirty water. Read on to see how to clean fish tank.
How to clean aquarium sand and gravel
A job that needs to be done, but nobody enjoys. Learn how to perform this task quickly and efficiently with the assistance of this guide.
How long can a goldfish go without being fed
Try as we might, there will be times that our beloved goldfish are forgotten in the rush of living. Readers will learn how long a goldfish can go without fish flakes or other food.
Do Goldfish need a heater
We want o give our goldfish the best home possible. should that include central heating. This article will walk through when a heater should be used.
Do Goldfish need an air pump
Goldfish need sufficient sources of oxygen to live in a non-stressed aquarium. This guide will explain the rationale for air pumps and how they relate to goldfish.
How to setup and plan for a new aquarium
There’s no substitute for good planning! This guide will walk the reader through some of the decisions necessary before an aquarium goes live.
How to prevent an algae bloom
Algae is everywhere! All aquariums have algae – some more than others. Learn how to manage algae with methods that can be self-sustaining.
How to Raise or Lower pH in an aquarium
Is pH the problem or is pH the messenger of a potential problem. Learn where pH comes from and how it is used in maintaining an aquarium. Understanding pH will help to demystify the necessity of maintaining a neutral pH balance.
How to get rid of snails in aquarium
Snails are a mixed blessing. On the one hand they help to keep the aquarium clean. On the other hand they are like rabbits and produce lots and lots of offspring that can have a detrimental effect on the aquarium. Learn how to control a population of snails in this article.
Why is my fishtank cloudy
Cloudy water often goes hand-in-hand with operating an aquarium. Learn why a tank develops a cloudy appearance and how to avoid it in the future.
Can a person get sick from aquarium water?
Take a peek into the aquarium biome and see what has grown in the water. You might be surprised as to what is lurking in the water.
How to humanely euthanize a fish
All aquarists, at some point, face the prospect of having to euthanize one of their fish. This guide steps the aquarist through the process of how to humanely kill a fish, making it quick and painless for the fish.
Snippets for Students

Snippet: Aquarium Evaporation?
Aquariums are constantly losing water to evaporation. Read this snippet to find out more about how this process occurs.
Snippet: Do fish get thirsty?
They are in water all day and night. Do fish every get thirsty? Read this snippet to find out.
Snippet: Do fish mate for life?
Do my aquarium fish mate for life? Read this snippet to find out.
Snippet: Does the male seahorse become pregnant?
In a role reversal it seems the male seahorse has a biological surprise. Read this snippet to find out.
Snippet: Do fish sleep?
Do fish sleep like other animals and people? Read this snippet to find out.
Snippet: Can fish recognize people?
Is it really possible for fish to recognize people? Read this snippet to find out.
Snippet: Can fish smell things?
Do fish have a sense of smell? Read this snippet to find out.
Snippet: Can fish hear?
Can fish hear underwater? Read this snippet to find out.
Snippet: How do fish communicate?
Fish have a variety of complex communication methods. Read this snippet to find out more about how they communicate.
Snippet: What is symbiosis?
Symbiosis is remarkable and not fully understood. Read this snippet to find out more about what symbiosis is and how it occurs.
Snippet – What is a gram negative bacterial infection
Aquarists all fear the gram negative bacteria in their tanks. Do you know what it is? Read this snippet to find out more about Gram Negative Bacterial Infections.
Snippet: What is Activated Charcoal?
Activated charcoal (carbon) is used in almost every aquarium filter. Do you know what it is? Read this snippet to find out more about Activated Charcoal.
Snippet: How does oxygen dissolve into water?
Dissolved oxygen in water keeps all the fish alive. How does the process work? Read this snippet to find out more about oxygen and water.
Snippet: What do Puffer fish eat?
What food types do puffer fish consume? Learn about the pufer fish eating habits and the varied diet they enjoy.
Snippet: How does Ultraviolet light affect pathogens?
How does the process of Ultraviolet light filtration work? Read this snippet to find out more about oxygen and water.
Snippet: What is Hard Water?
Dissolved compounds in water can make water “hard” and affect pH. Learn about what hard water is and how to handle it in the aquarium.
Snippet: How does cloudy water affect plants?
How does cloudy water affect plants? Read this snippet to find out more about oxygen and light.
Disease Profiles
Ich Disease Profile
A deep-dive into the parasitical disease Ich / White Spot. Learn causes, transmission, prevention, and treatment options.
Columnaris Disease Profile
A deep-dive into the bacterial disease Columnaris or Cotton Wool. Learn causes, transmission, prevention, and treatment options.
Dactylogyrus Disease Profile
Dactylogyrus is a genus of parasitic flatworms belonging to the class Monogenea. These parasites primarily infest the gills of freshwater fish, causing a range of health issues. Learn more in this pathogen guide.
Fin Rot Disease Profile
A deep-dive into the bacterial disease called Fin Rot or Tail Rot. Learn causes, transmission, prevention, and treatment options.
Aeromonas & Pseudomonas Disease Profile
A deep-dive into the bacterial disease Aeromonas & Pseudomonas. Learn causes, transmission, prevention, and treatment options.
Velvet / Gold Dust Disease Profile
A deep-dive into the parasitic Velvet / Gold Dust disease. Learn causes, transmission, prevention, and treatment options.
Dropsy (pinecone) Disease Profile
A close examination of Dropsy (pinecone disease) which is actually a condition. This is often fatal, but there are some who survive. Learn causes, prevention, and treatment options.
Swim Bladder Disorder Disease Profile
A common problem with goldfish and koi,Swim Bladder Disorder. Learn causes, prevention, and treatment options. It’s not necessarily life threatening, but it does result in upside down fish.
Popeye Disorder Disease Profile
Popeye disorder has several causes that are easily addressed. In this article learn what the causes are and how to effectively treat fish with this disorder.
Lymphocystis Disease Profile
Lymphocystis is at present not able to be cured. It is a highly contagious disease and should be taken seriously by all aquarists. Proper isolation prior to new fish introduction to your tank is highly recommended. Read this article to become better informed about this pathogen.
Hexamita Disease Profile
Hexamita, also known as Hexamita spp. or Hexamita infections, is a parasitic protozoan that affects freshwater and marine fish, causing a condition commonly referred to as “hole-in-the-head disease” or “head and lateral line erosion” (HLLE).
Saprolegnia Disease Profile
Saprolegnia species are typically found in aquatic environments, particularly in freshwater habitats such as rivers, lakes, and aquariums. They are notorious for causing diseases in fish and amphibians, leading to significant economic losses in aquaculture industries worldwide. Learn more in this guide about this fungi-like pathogen.
Branchiomyces Disease Profile
Branchiomyces is a genus of waterborne fungi that are known to cause diseases primarily in freshwater crustaceans, especially crayfish and similar aquatic organisms. This guide details the fungus, treatment, and prevention.
Hemorrhagic Septicemia Disease Profile
Hemorrhagic septicemia is a highly contagious and often fatal bacterial disease that affects a wide range of aquatic and terrestrial animals. It is caused by certain strains of the bacterium Pasteurella multocida.
Populating the aquarium
Selecting freshwater fish for your aquarium
The aquarist will find a representative list of freshwater fish and their habitat requirements. Included in the list are the fish’ behavioral characteristics and reproductive methods.
Selecting saltwater fish for your aquarium
The aquarist will find a representative list of saltwater fish and their habitat requirements. Included in the list are the fish’ behavioral characteristics and reproductive methods.
Selecting freshwater plants for your aquarium
The aquarist will find a representative list of freshwater plants and their habitat requirements. Included in the list are the plant’s growth characteristics and reproductive methods.
Selecting saltwater plants for your aquarium
The aquarist will find a representative list of saltwater organisms and their habitat requirements. Included in the list are the different species’ growth characteristics and reproductive methods.
Selecting Corals for your saltwater aquarium
The aquarist will find a representative list of saltwater corals and their habitat requirements. Included in the list are the corals biome requirements and reproductive characteristics.
Selecting freshwater invertebrates for your aquarium
The aquarist will find a representative list of freshwater invertebrates and their habitat requirements. Invertebrates are considered to be helpful aids in keeping the aquarium biome under control by managing algae and biofilm growth.
Selecting Aquarium Gravel
Most people don’t give gravel a second thought and just select what’s on-sale. This article explores the underlying purpose for gravel and how to match gravel to aquarium occupants.
Selecting Wood for the Aquarium
Introducing wood into an aquarium can be tricky. One has to consider tannins, pH, and other water chemistry items. The reader will come away with a better understanding of the problems associated with including wood in aquarium decor.
Selecting freshwater crustaceans for your aquarium
The aquarist will find a representative list of freshwater crustaceans and their habitat requirements. Included in the list are the crustacean’s behavioral characteristics and reproductive methods.